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    IChile 7 ( 2008 )
    Brotherhood / Psycho Stalker / In The Frame / Friendly Fire / Glue / I.C.H.I.L.E / Realthing / Sound Of The C / Propa / Peace

    Cantaloop are a hip-hop/funk six-piece from the Midlands, UK and have been described as being 'better than Fun Lovin' Crinimals'. Now, I know what you're all thinking. How can anyone be better than Fun Lovin' Crinimals? I mean, just not possible, right?? Ah, ok, I'll drop the sarcasm. Still, the point remains, why do Fun Lovin' Crinimals get hit records and these supremely talented guys don't? 'I.C.H.I.L.E' may rely on the sound of a band playing live in the studio, but then again, that's their bag - Cantaloop do tend to tour relentlessly. Indeed, at the time of writing ( 28th June, 2008 ) the guys are playing at Glastonbury and they do seem a typical kind of Glastonbury act. You know, you're sick of the main stage so go wandering about and stumble across a band like this with great musicians and a genuine passion for their music. That kind of circumstance is likely to blow you away, because on stage, these guys are really very good indeed. The album is slightly hit and miss, because the songs often seem to be merely vehicles designed for live performance rather than properly constructed compositions. An exception is the excellent 'In The Frame', complete with clever, subtle samples giving way to real instrumentation and proper, soulful vocals.

    The album kicks off with 'Brotherhood' and it's here many listeners will make their decisions who aren't existing fans of the band or the style of music. To my ( naturally unbiased ) ears, this sounds impressive with deep and soulful bass lines, the brass parps up nicely, the vocals become a little busy through the chorus. It's an impressive sound rather than composition, but we've already covered that, haven't we? The answer of course is for Cataloop to tour themselves to death and build up a following that way - something they've been doing. Getting their friends De La Soul or Fun Lovin' Crinimals to perhaps guest on a single might break them through the easy way, otherwise it's going to be down to hard graft. By no means an unwelcome album to listen to, it fills forty minutes or so very nicely, although rarely pokes its head up and shouts at you. It's a little too mellow, but these guys are accomplished, that's no mistake.

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    this page last updated 6/07/08

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