Album Reviews |
Chemical Brothers
You know, i've long had a dream for a certain vision of a future concerning dance/techno artists, and it's very simple. Rather than have two electronics whizz kids making music to please themselves, and hopefully many others, instrumental pumping beats, 'Block Rockin Beats' in this case! Rather than that, we have two electronics whizz kids ( usually aged in their mid-thirties, why are a lot of these dance guys so middle-aged? ) plus a dynamic singer with intelligent or interesting lyrics. A permanent singer. The Chemical Brothers go half way, by employing guest vocalists to give their songs another dimension. Noel Gallagher of Oasis pops up on the The Beatles 'Tomorrow Never Knows' -tastic 'Setting Sun', and very enjoyable it is too. But, imagine an act like The Chemical Brothers with a regular front-person? Someone who could really sing, really write lyrics and add a whole other dimension? It's a thought, and it's my vision of a certain future for dance/techno. And before somebody mentions 'The Prodigy' at me, that wasn't quite what I was thinking. Not an MC, but a regular vocalist. What happens during 'Setting Sun' after all? Noel Gallagher sings, provides another aspect and dimension to an otherwise already fine, exciting and 'pumping' dance track, but another dimension it is. He doesn't rap like an MC, thank god! He sings. But, enough of all of this. It's just an idea. 'Block Rockin Beats' is a fine production, although it already sounds dated heard five years later. The title track opens pretty furiously, it's tight, eight minutes long and rather fine. 'Piku' is better though. Soft electronic opening, well layered beats coming in to reach their peak volume. Several different melodic layers combining very well. 'It Doesn't Matter' is more intelligent and well produced dance/techno, although I can find very little to actually say about it other than to admire the bass sound, which is a pretty fantastic bass sound.
A step above the previous album, more carefully considered instrumental tracks, more songs featuring guest vocals. Noel Gallagher re-appears to pretty much reprise his last outing on a Chemical Brothers album. 'Let Forever Be' is another nod towards The Beatles 'Tomorrow Never Knows'. If Oasis really were the new Beatles, they'd be making their own techno 'Let Forever Be', but why don't we just let that forever be, and carry on? Apologies for the horrible pun. 'Music Response' is great! A Chemical Brothers instrumental techno track with weird bending sounds, calculator beeps, Kraftwerk influences, modern dance. It's tight, surpremely well produced and will live for the ages! Ok, so who knows about that, but it's good, anyway. One thing that 'Surrender' does that 'Dig Your Own Hole' didn't is sound 100% correctly sequenced. 'Under The Influence' flows perfectly from the opening track, the Bernard Sumner from New Order assisted 'Out Of Control' flows perfectly from 'Under The Influence. All of these are good, solid, entertaining songs a step above similar techno/dance efforts of the era. 'Orange Wedge' introduces another number of new sounds, and it's refreshing to hear something new within this genre. 'Let Forever Be' follows, it may well be 'Setting Sun' part two, but it's a more refined 'Setting Sun' and a 'Setting Sun' with an absolutely thumping bass groove. So, that's alright then! 'The Sunshine Underground' lets us relax, an eight minute bliss-chill out trance whatever else is going on piece of meditation. Or something like that, anyway. Not a single bad track so far, on the album. None that I can think of, anyway. 'Asleep From Day' is absolutely beautiful, and a large part of the credit is down to the guest vocalist, Hope Sandoval from Mazzy Star. Her voice is something else, like a hundred thousand weary and broken country singers with a dose of the blues and heartbreak and a little piece of heaven, echo, and outer-space mixed in. Really! After that piece of beauty, 'Got Glint?' returns everything to beats and techno, and you may well start to appreciate and enjoy the variety 'Surrender' offers the listener. It comes across almost like a compilation of different bands, but remains a cohesive listen. Credit to The Chemical Brothers, ultimately. It's their project, and they really are good producers. It's been a long time since I sat down and listened to The Chemical Brothers. They seemed to perfect whatever it was they were looking for, then it seemed they were unable to move in any direction other than downwards. The same happened to Orbital, the same happened to Prodigy. At a certain point in space and time, it appears that electronics acts simply run out of ideas. Well, that isn't true of every act of course, yet The Chemical Brothers sound disturbingly old hat here and not in a plesant, nostalgic way, either. This material largely would have been rejected by the band themselves as not good enough ten years ago. Now it's released as a brave new direction for the band when it actual fact it is nothing of the sort. There are positive things on the album. The title track is fairly inventive although sounds more like Orbital than The Chemical Brothers. It's got a twinkly thing going on, laser beams and propulsion. The closing track 'The Pills Won't Help You Now' is the comedown track, three minutes of sad sounding sweetness followed by three minutes of attempted Flaming Lips/Mercury Rev dreamscape that doesn't quite work as well. On the otherhand, 'Do It Again' and especially 'The Salmon Dance' see Chemical Brothers going for lowest common denominator by appealing to the pre-teen market and abjectly failing. 'The Salmon Dance' deliberately features one of the most moronic and unapealing raps of all time, 'Do It Again' is simply stuff we've all heard before and done far better and more inventively. Did Chemical Brothers need to reclaim their serious artistry which they'd arguably lost somewhere down the line? Well possibly, we'll all have different views on that, but 'Further' attracts my attention like no Chemical Brothers album has done in a good ten years. The opener 'Snow' has no pumping beats, nothing really approaching a musical hook either. It's a shifting bed of quiet psychedelia over which a female vocal repeats 'shifting me higher' like a mantra. It raises hope that Chemical Brothers have moved focus away from penning chart thumpers towards crafting a whole, cohesive LP. For those of you that like dancefloor Chemical Brothers, 'Horse Power' is a great track complete with real sampled Horse neighing sounds. Well, the thick bass lines, slivery synths and accomplished, tensing building beats all do it for me - it's too left-field to be something you'd imagine in the charts and that's a good thing in this case. Oh yeah, 'Horse Power' is utterly exhilarating and mental! 'Another World' is a five minute track with hallucinogenic qualites, sampled or 'not important' female vocals repeating a mantra over a dreamscape, it's all very imaginative and accomplished and far better than I had been hoping for from Chemical Brothers this time round. |
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