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    Led Zeppelin

    Led Zeppelin 9 ( 1969 )
    Good Times Bad Times / Babe I'm Gonna Leave You / You Shook Me / Dazed And Confused / Your Time Is Gonna Come / Black Mountain Side / Communication Breakdown / I Can't Quit You Babe / How Many More Years

    Jeff Beck leaves Jimmy Page as sole guitarist in The Yardbirds, a group that had also numbered Eric Clapton among their ranks prior to Jeff and Jimmy. Keith Relf, the singer with The Yardbirds, winds up leaving along with the groups drummer and bass player. Jimmy Page along with manager Peter Grant find themselves with concert dates to fulfil, so set about forming a new Yardbirds line-up. Enter Robert Plant, session bassist John Paul Jones and drummer John Bonham. Jimmy Page had worked extensively as an in-demand session guitarist all through the Sixties, playing on countless pop and rock recordings, learning about studio techniques and record making as he went along. Early shows saw the soon to be christened Led Zeppelin billed as The Yardbirds but certain supporters were apparently disappointed that it wasn't really The Yardbirds. The name Led Zeppelin was based on something Who drummer Keith Moon said about a proposed off-shoot group ( to feature himself along with Jimmy Page and Jeff Beck ) "Going down like a lead balloon, or a lead zeppelin". Remove the 'a' from 'lead', and hey presto! For this new enterprise, Jimmy Page wanted to explore dynamics..... he more than succeeded. Add in a rhythm section with an almost telepathic understanding, add in Robert Plant with his furious, all out, sexual roar of a voice.... Ah, reservations! Led Zeppelin achieved a distinctive sound right from the off. That doesn't mean that the material was so original or distinctive, however. 'Black Mountain Side' was based upon a Bert Jansch tune, but credited here to Jimmy Page all the same. Singer Robert Plant had a habit of improvising and unwittingly including fragments of blues songs in the lyrics as he went along. The closing eight minute plus epic 'How Many More Times' has a clear precedent in the Howlin Wolf song 'How Many More Years', and so it goes on. There are more references here if you care to unearth them. Two 'correct' writing credits arrive on the album sleeve courtesy of Willie Dixon, as Led Zeppelin produce versions of his 'You Shook Me' and 'I Can't Quit You Babe'.

    There's something about Led Zeppelin and this album in particular I really love and it's something I see as an ideal for hard rock or ( heaven forbid! ) heavy metal groups. This 'ideal' is perfectly demonstrated in the two minute forty six second long opening number, 'Good Times Bad Times'. You can hear each and every instrument clearly and separately from each other instrument. You can clearly make out every drum roll of John Bonham, every nuance of the bass parts of John Paul Jones - obviously make out Jimmy Page with his solo and his riffing. A tight ensemble, powerful with spaces left by the rhythm section to allow Jimmy to fully express himself. On top of all of this we have Robert Plant of course, a singer plucked out of relative obscurity and almost instantly managing to present himself as one of the greatest rock singers on the planet at the time. The bass and drums support each other of course, but both can clearly also be heard as separate entities, if that makes sense. There is a cleanness, a separation. There's also damn heavy sounding parts as Led Zeppelin receive the credit for inventing heavy metal in the process. Most clearly with 'Dazed And Confused', a six minute long scary sounding epic full of astonishing playing and sounds, not least the 'walking bass' sound that introduces it. Robert Plant fully does 'the business' and sets a template for vocalists that followed. 'Babe I'm Gonna Leave You' is another six minute plus composition, an arrangement Jimmy had been working on back in the final days of The Yardbirds. Perhaps no better single example of the sheer glorious dynamics, the quiet to loud, of Led Zeppelin exists.

    The more out and out blues tunes here, 'You Shook Me' and 'I Can't Quit You Babe' are the weaker moments of the set, along with Jimmy Page 'interpreting' folk guitarist Bert Jansch with the instrumental filler 'Black Mountain Side'. Having said that, 'I Can't Quit You Babe' in particular is utterly convincing. Robert Plant sings, the rhythm section constantly threaten to explode. Jimmy Page does plenty of twiddly and interesting guitar things. Sat between 'Black Mountain Side' and 'I Can't Quit You Babe' is the two and a half minute riff monster 'Communication Breakdown'. Heavy as fuck, catchy as hell - i'll see you on the other side. As for the closing 'How Many More Times', well, Jimmy does interesting guitar parts and sounds, the rhythm section are supremely powerful, hypnotic and heavy and Robert Plant excels himself throughout. Led Zeppelin succeeded from the off with this debut set. They toured America extensively and the initially reluctant UK market followed amid reports of amazing concerts in America. 'Led Zeppelin I' works as a template for the groups entire career, nearly everything is here. The core of the album is formed by 'Dazed And Confused', 'Babe I'm Gonna Leave You', 'Communication Breakdown', 'Good Times Bad Times' and the closing 'How Many More Times'. For those songs alone, this is an amazing record.

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    Brad Holmes bholmes@fas.harvard.edu
    Huzzah! You're finally doing Led "GOD" Zeppelin! Took you long enough, eh? I don't think this one rules as much as most of their later ones, but that's probably just because I've never been able to fully appreciate the blues wanking. I'd still rather hear Jimmy blues-wank than anyone else, though. Man, Led Zeppelin rules. All their albums rule. Er, except Presence. And Coda. But, like, that's not a real album, so it doesn't count.

    Al Brooks dumpbushnextyear@yahoo.com
    Drooling old hippie here. Led Zeppelin's first album is arguably their best. Zeppelin had to prove they were good and they did, at least as musicians-- the songs are rather ordinary songs played extraordinarily well. The lyrics are the typical blues lyrics about women who break hearts and men who buy diamond rings. Corny. The linchpin of the group was the bass player John Paul Jones.

    Coosh eaise@comcast.net
    This is the only Led Zeppelin album I really like. "Dazed and Confused" is money. Some say t'was Jimmy Page's favorite Zeppelin song. WELL IT SURE IS MINE.

    Pat Williams ungoo@mindspring.com
    I have to say that this album is certainly great but not their best. Their best is definitely IV but this runs a close second. My favorite song from the album has to be 'Communication Breakdown' because it is sooooooooo rock! I'm also fond of 'Your Time is Gonna Come' and 'How Many More Times'. This albums has to be the pivotal point in the history of hard rock.

    Simon B slb23@shaw.ca
    This is (arguably) one of the greatest debut albums of all time! The cover is awesome, also. Best songs: "Good Times Bad Times", "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You", "Dazed And Confused", and "Communication Breakdown". 9/10

    Ryan Doyle ryan42790@adelphia.net
    This Albm is Genuis, If you had to choose your debut album it would be this album, it really set the standards for there destiny. Communication Breakdown, Dazed and Confused, How Many More times, This Albumn is truly genuine.

    Chris chrisfret2004@yahoo.co.uk
    Led Zeppelin were unquestionably the greatest ever rock band. I always felt this on is perhaps not quite as great as later releases though:the 'classics' form it's core (Good times, Communication, Babe Im gonna, Dazed)but there isnt really anything else to rival this on the album for me, despite the incredible playing and obvious originality of sound. Those with a best of Zeppelin alb won't find much else essential here. Still a good 8/10 tho!

    Led Zeppelin II ( 1970 )
    Whole Lotta Love / What Is And What Should Never Be / The Lemon Song / Thank You / Heartbreaker / Living Loving Maid / Ramble On / Moby Dick / Bring It On Home

    Led Zeppelin move into world-domination status, this second long-player topping the charts on both sides of the Atlantic. It seems to me they've played it fairly safe. Well, not safe as such - just that they've taken the bits people liked from the debut and made a whole album out of those bits. But, they've not done it quite right. There's no let-up here, less variety. There's less sense of highs and lows, and highs and ( relative ) lows can actually help an album. The blues material contained on the debut Zeppelin album helped shine greater light on the other material - material that sounded astonishingly powerful and fresh, and still does. 'Led Zeppelin II' just sounds, well, commercial. Tight, purposeful - yet commercial. Having said all of this however, and saying right now that this album sends less chills down my spine than the debut - this is still a remarkable set of performances. A damn consistent set of songs and performances that just beats you into the ground with its sheer unrelenting assault on your senses. It's nearly all-out rock music, this time. The blues thing is still there, but just contained in certain moments, certain sections, certain vocalizations, etc. Led Zeppelin are now LED ZEPPELIN!!! and there's no looking back. You can hardly argue with it, really. 'Whole Lotta Love'? What a fantastic song introduction, great ROCK lyrics, fantastic riff. The drums kick in, the bass kicks in ably supporting. Beautifully supporting. Led Zeppelin, and it hardly even needs to be said, had a damn fine bass player. Still, the attention tends to be focused on Plant, Page and Bonham. How about a hand for that John Paul Jones fellow? He deserves it, dammit. 'What Is And What Should Never Be' starts all deceptively soft, before going all out with guitars and roaring vocals - good stuff! Even 'gooder' stuff is the fantastic 'Lemon Song' where the sound of Led Zeppelin, that separation, that thing where each musician does their thing, both individually and for the collective, and you can HEAR IT - really is noticeable. I like my Led Zep this way.

    It seems silly going about trying to describe such famous songs, but you know. Maybe just saying, "Hey, this is great!" isn't quite so useful. Of course, we can all assume that almost everybody in the western world is familiar with Zep and many of the songs on this album - and they probably ARE - but I like to come into these things fresh, so to speak. I'm lucky in a sense that the UK has no classic rock radio whatsoever. If I buy a Doors album, a Black Sabbath album, a Led Zeppelin album - chances are - i've heard only one or two songs from it before. I know Beatles fans who've never heard 'Abbey Road' and couldn't even recognize 'You Never Give Me Your Money' as a Beatles song! Which seems astonishing, but when only the VERY famous songs by a particular artist are known here in the UK to the general music fan at large, this kind of thing happens. A Beatles fan, or Zep fan - maybe has a hits set, and one of the most famous albums, and that's it! The UK is a funny place, sometimes. I wish to god we did have some good classic rock stations. Even a bad one would be nice! Anyway, back to the matter at hand. 'Heartbreaker' has a riff to die for and it don't need nothing else! It has other things, notably a Mr Plant going for it - moving and grooving as only he can. 'Living Loving Maid' makes me want to headbang a little - bit silly as i've always either short hair, or curly Bob Dylan/Tom Baker styled hair. Can't headbang very well like that, but it makes me wanna shake and shimmy and shake my head up and down in any case. Ah, i'm sure there's other stuff here..... Well, duh. Of course there is, there's bloody 'Moby Dick' and 'Ramble On'!

    So, why not a '9' or higher? Well, too little variety. The highs here arguably aren't as high as those on 'Zep 1', although the highs here are still pretty high. There are less lows - and perhaps another grade of '9' would be fair, except I don't feel this works as, dare I say it, a work of 'art' quite as well. This is just good fun, party time, let's have sex whilst we're at it and fuck each others brains out. It's music that makes you feel that way. Seems to me, the debut has a little more depth about it. But, this is still damn fine anyway. But, enough! I'm off for a hair-transplant.

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    Al Brooks dumpbushnextyear@yahoo.com
    Drooling ol' hippie here. Led Zep II is worth it just for John Paul Jones' bass playing. This is the quintessential Led Zeppelin album-- it proves that Brits can do rock performance better than Americans.

    no idea what you're talking about. This album is led zeppelin's greatest ever put out, easily, i can say that this is the best album ever made. Heartbreaker, Ramble On, Whole lotta love, and What is and what should never be are led zeppelin's four greatest songs they ever recorded. Thsi album deserves a 10, thats a complete no-brainer!

    Simon B slb23@shaw.ca
    This album is a lot heavier, yet slightly less bluesy than their debut. An excellent sophmore album. Whole Lotta classic riffs on this one! 9 1/2

    Wil wem2@aber.ac.uk
    Do you know the name of the little piece of classical fingerpicking that Jimmy used to do at the end of songs- usually Heartbreaker, as heard on the new live album-live on stage? My mate, who studies classical guitar reckons it is Paganini's caprice number 9 or sonata in cmajor, but I'm unconvinced. As a rock guitarist-much cooler I'm sure you'll agree- I know the track- Heartbreaker- is in Amajor and thus a piece in C would sound wrong. I think it's a minor piece because it has a kind of baroque feel. I don't know if you are a guitarist- if not you're probably bored out of your skull by now but i'll perservere- but i figure someone who knows so much about the greatest band ever must know little pieces of information like this. When playing with my band when we do Heartbreaker live I can only do a crap impression of Jimmy after the solo and pick out the basic melody of said classical music, whereas Jimmy fingerpicks it using bass strings and countermelodies- it's a geeky thi! ng to say but I reckon it sounds so cool...If you or anyone else can name the piece for me I can by the score and transpose it and thus kid myself that I am Jimmy Page. Please help!

    bass player edd eddie123zeppelin@hotmail.com
    Zeppelin's finest album. There is a great range of songs but they all have a slightly bluesy feel. Although all the other album's are great (except ITTOD) this is the only one where i'm never tempted to skip tracks.

    David F david.fraser@tinyworld.co.uk
    8 1/2 ? 9/12 more like it. this is the best blues album ever nd the 2nd greatest album ever - 2nd to IV of coarse.the album of the 60's

    Cory david.fraser@tinyworld.co.uk
    great album, many classic Zep tracks, but the Lemon Song should have been left off the album...it's not a good song, at all...it sounds like a Mountain/Deep Purple/Foghat kinda track...it's a "skipper"...otherwise, a great album by a great band...

    Chris chrisfret2004@yahoo.co.uk
    This is a real classic for me:the point when they really defined their own sound and 'invented heavy metal' apparently (hard rock was always a better summation of what zeppelin were about). I agree with you that there isnt much variety here, but that's kind of it's strength. It's just track after track of great riffs and party time!sounds like a greatest hits collection!Ramble on is an absolute classic combination of the legendary 'heavy/light' zeppeling elements too!9/10

    TiddK tidd.kidd@googlemail.com
    I cannot agree with the reviewer. For one thing, I'm not a great fan of the blues, so their first album leaves me kind of cold. For another, he says (as if it's an insult!) that "II" is more commercial. Too right it is. That's why I love it so - there isn't a dull spot on the whole album. As for variety, that remark floored me : Whole Lotta Love isn't like any other LZ track before or since, Heartbreaker boogies like no other, and the contrast between the acoustic and hard rock elements of tracks like What Is And What Should Never Be, and Thank You is what really turned people on to their sound. So I'd give this album 9.5 or even 10 - it's the ultimate rock album for me.

    Led Zeppelin III ( 1970 )
    Immigrant Song / Friends / Celebration Day / Since I've Been Loving You / Out On The Tiles / Gallows Pole / Tangerine / That's The Way / Bron-Y-Aur Stomp / Hats Off To Roy Harper

    Both better and worse than previous Led Zeppelin for me, but I should explain such a statement. I love the variety here. 'Led Zeppelin III' mixes folkier material with the usual Led Zep headbanging rock stuff with blues influenced stuff, etc, etc. Makes for a more varied set of songs than 'Led Zeppelin II', in any case. Jimmy Page really does do some great stuff here, his parts through the introduction of the blues based 'Since I've Been Loving You' are genuinely classy, as his playing is throughout the entire song and album as a whole, actually. 'Since I've Been Loving You' also features super strong drums, a great vocal performance, etc, etc. So, what's wrong? Well, nothing is, really! Oh, I know what it is. It's too long, Mr Plant sings the word "drag" towards to end of the song, and taking it out of context for my own purposes, i'd say it's the absolute perfect word to use to describe the Led Zeppelin 'Since I've Been Loving You' song and performance. Other less than 'interesting' material, includes the ballad 'Tangerine' ( with a great Plant performance and strong bass performance ) and the folky 'That's The Way' ( which includes pleasant Page guitar parts ). So, good and bad, both? Well, yes. And 'bad' is actually a pretty harsh word to use. The inclusion here of folkier textures isn't a problem at all, as I said earlier, it's a welcome thing, the increased diversity in sound that Led Zeppelin produce for this album is a a welcome thing. But.... stuff like 'That's The Way' is just a little..... boring, in a word. It doesn't go anywhere and doesn't do anything. Pay attention, and you'll discover tracks like this are probably enjoyed more by guys who pay special attention to the guitar playing, to the overall muscianship and little details of the playing - than the average guy who just cares about what it sounds like and how much fun it is.

    Speaking of fun, the opening 'Immigrant Song' has fun in spades, absolutely a whole ton of fun. Heavy riffs, heavy playing, good vocals - daft lyrics, it's all here and a Zep classic is born, easy. The closing brace of songs both feature fast, dexterous playing from Mr Page in particular, and both manage to be interesting and fun, at the same time! Neither qualifies as a great song, barely either classifies as a good song, let alone a great one - but the textures are good, the playing is impressive and very listenable. The distortion on the vocals through 'Hats Of To Roy Harper' is a very interesting production touch. Still, i've used the words interesting and fun far too much in this review so far. Gone is the sense of Led Zeppelin being 'an event', for this album at least. This is light stuff, bar the likes of 'Since I've Been Loving You', the decent 'Gallows Pole' and the rock and swing groove of 'Out On The Tiles'.

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    Al Brooks dumpbushnextyear@yahoo.com
    Cannabis-addicted '70s relic here. This is my favorite Led Zeppelin disc; it is their first album with mature lyrics, lyrics not exclusively concerning broken hearts and large penises. What a contrast to Led Zeppelin II, the archetype of Cock Rock. 'Since I've Been Loving You ' is blues at its finest-- listen to the guitar solo! 'Tangerine' is exquisite country-rock with another patented Jimmy Page solo. The opener, 'The Immigrant Song' is another hard rock monster.

    Oscar miscreanty@yahoo.com
    This is Jimmy Page's peak as a guitar player! As much as there are a thousand choices for Led Zeps best album, this one certainly has something to offer. Lots of different influences, and a greater mix of "soft" songs. It really has its moments. Certinally the quality of some of the songs brings it down. Its not the greatest production either, and some of the Plant lyrics just bore me. But still far more worthy than 7 1/2 by any means. Best song - Bron-y-aur stomp (oooh yeah! :)

    Steve vivostereo@hotmail.com
    This album, and all the Led Zeppelin stuff, are the most overrated thing in rock'n'roll history: Black Dog is cock rock boring and repetitive, Misty mountain is a big pile of shit, God, don't try to sell me this awful thing, and four sticks ?, what the hell they were thinking ?, Ohhh Bonzo played with two drumsticks in each hand, yes, but the music stinks, here and in mars, please listen again without prejudice. (No George Michael please)

    Jim george@hotmail.com
    To Me, the first six of Led Zeppelin's albums deserve 10, especially this one, it's kust so varied. Bron-Yr-Aur-Stomp is the best Zep acoustic number ever. Every song is good, if not great even the closing number which freaks me out.

    bassplayeredd bassplayeredd
    this album is very very very good, 7.5!, what's all that about. They've changed the style from the first 2 albums which i like as you don't want the same thing over and over again, thats why zeppelin are great, their ability to change. It's the perfect album for different moods. Rocky mood you've got "Immigrant" and "Tiles" and for a mellow mood all of side two, well maybe not the last one.

    stephen thompson sr.thompson2000@btinternet.com
    I disagree with the majority of this review. "Since I've Been Loving You" is one of THE greatest songs EVER!! As for the folky diversion not sounding natural, I think this is unfair and untrue. Led Zep II was an experiment and it worked brilliantly - currently my fave LZ long player. If they've had retrod the same ground and recorded Led Zepp II (Pt. 2) I think that would have stifled the band to the point of becoming a parody of themselves. At least 9/10 for me.

    Mark Traill mwtraill@yahoo.co.uk
    Hey! The only mention "Friends" gets in your review is in the song lineup... this is a great tune; flipping Shiva it's spooky! And Celebration Day! WHAT A GREAT START TO THE ALBULM!!! Then... whoa, agree with you a bit here I think. SIBLY is 6 minutes too long and Tangerine is pants. Hats off to Roy Harper just gives me a headache. The rest is fine, but I'll give it an 8.5. Good site by the way mate, hours of fun at work.

    Zach thedoors@msn.com
    i think this review is kinda week, Led Zeppelin 3 is a great album, you didnt even mention Friends or Celebration Day, or Bron-ur-Aur Stomp, Bron-Ur-Aur Stomp has fantastic guitar, incredible, and Celebration Day is one of those really fun songs, Frineds is just....good, you should have mentioned them, and just because of that ONE song(Since Ive Benn Loving You) you gave the album a horrible review, its a great album, one of their best, that one song shouldnt have brought that rating way down.

    kyle theeggmann2234@hotmail.com
    Now this is Led Zeppelin's most underrated album without any question. From their trademark songs like immagrent song and since i've ben loving you to the folk, accoustic inspired songs it has alot to offer, much more than some of their others. 9 1/2

    Plastic Hero askrabalak@nycap.rr.com
    The greatest sounding piece of plagarism of all time! Three cheers for a bunch of British boys raping and pillaging the entirety of African-American blues culture. That aside...probably one of the best Zep albums with Physical Graffiti being #1 and Zoso as #2. Please, though- do yourself and the blues kings some justice and listen to Robert Johnson, Willie Dixon, Muddy Waters and Albert King before you listen to Led Zeppelin II.

    Chris chrisfret2004@yahoo.co.uk
    A bit of a strange review. I always thought this was the one of their best. Immigrant song is the template for all heavy rock and metal that would come except better!the second side is gorgeous too except for the blues freakout at the end!Since Ive been Loving You is great!As a guitrist I can really appreciate the beauty of Page's playing here!9/10

    Led Zeppelin IV 9 ( 1971 )
    Black Dog / Rock And Roll / The Battle Of Evermore / Stairway To Heaven / Misty Mountain Hop / Four Sticks / Going To California / When The Levee Breaks

    The heavy heavy monster sound of Led Zeppelin, IS BACK. Not that there was anything wrong with the sound of Led Zeppelin III, just that the material maybe wasn't as strong as we were getting used to back there. Can I say something? Immediately you'll see where i'm going here when I say this. I absolutely adore the first THREE songs on this album. Best three songs here! And yeah, i'm being serious. God, 'Stairway To Heaven' is 'Stairway To Heaven' is 'Stairway To Heaven'. It's eight minutes long, has truly fascinating lyrics and a very purposeful, albeit getting to the point gradually, nature of the musical track. This 'point' is of course the heavier section of the song, the great Jimmy Page solo - and then I like the way the song closes. More of an event than a song, and a deliberately crafted event at that. The group reportedly 'set about' writing a suitably epic song that would rival the reception and glory of 'Dazed And Confused' during live performances. Nothing wrong with that, obviously. I like 'Stairway To Heaven' in case you didn't quite get that during my mini-description of it back there. But, I guess this album revolves around whether you love, like or merely tolerate 'Stairway To Heaven'. There are probably people out there that don't even like the song at all. I'm not that kind of person, I fall definitely into the second camp. Whilst i'm here, I'll also say that the huge drum sound of the overly lengthy 'When The Levee Breaks', along with the harmonica sound, is the best thing about the track. 'When The Levee Breaks' and 'Stairway To Heaven' are my least favourite two songs on 'Led Zeppelin IV'. Which may sound ridiculous to some, it's just I adore the faster, rockier stuff here so much more. Well, correction. The delicate 'Going To California' is one of my favourite Led Zeppelin songs. It's just this straight folky thing, but Page and Plant both sound truly beautiful. A similar thing of possibly even greater wonder is the Sandy Denny assisted 'Battle Of Evermore'. Sandy sings perfectly, not trying to be the main event, but still really aiding the haunting beauty of the song.

    Oh, oh OH - 'Black Dog' has a riff and three Quarters, Page is the man here, he's THE MAN. I just feel like squirming and rolling around naked in mud, with sheer glee - at the sound of this riff, and it's variations. Really, I do! 'Black Dog' has one hell of a rhythm section about it, and an utter classic Robert Plant vocal performance, classic, classic, classic. Oh, yeah, 'Misty Mountain Hop' has heavy drums, another fabulous riff, another winner, a great vocal performance again, great vocal rhythm actually - love what Plant does here. Okay, i'll calm down. God, 'Four Sticks' is great too, another riff monster. So, even WITH 'Stairway To Heaven' and 'When The Levee Breaks' inhabiting around a third of this albums playing time, the rest is surely glorious enough for this album to deserve a '9'? Just think, what if I actually loved instead of just liked 'Stairway To Heaven'? What then?? Still, I can't help that, can I? <

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    Andy. Senior lfc4eva02@aol.com
    As soon as i saw this review i shouted "how can u not give that a 10?!". i mean cumon its 1 of the gr8est albums of all time, its a damn classic (and im not even a major fan of theirs) u just gotta repect led zeppelin 4 wot they r - the gr8est hard rock band their ever was, and imo this is their best ever album, and for me every song is strong. - stairway to heaven amongst the gr8est songs ever written by any band

    Adrian Mules adrian.mules@btinternet.com
    Simply - "Best drum sound ever"

    Al Brooks dumpbushnextyear@yahoo.com
    This is a good solid professional rock and roll album, and any band would be proud to hang the gold record on the wall. But I like Led Zeppelin III much better. Perhaps because I'm a draft card burning, marijuana-addicted 60's reject.

    Ilya Grigoriev negative_creep@gmx.de
    What the fuck? IV is the best album? Plant is a good singer? John Paul Jones is the highpoint? Are you guys all serious or on drugs? 1. Fuck evry member in the band xcept for that mean old plunker on guitar beacuse Plant was just horrible as a singer (i just fucking hate his 'squeeze my lemon') and bonham a disaster as an improviser ('Moby Dick'? I'd rather sniff my own ass!) and John Paul Jones was a good bass player, the only one I like in the band besides Page but Jones was certainly not the guy who was the middlepoint in the band. You may think of that because Page & Plant nowadays look like complete dickheads and sound like the horsey laughter of Julia Roberts. But a Zeppelin without a Page? I could imagine a Zeppelin without Plant. You know what I'd call it? The best rock band on earth!

    Simon B slb23@shaw.ca
    "IV" is my favourite Led Zeppelin album. I think it's their most well-rounded one. It's like "II" and "III" combined. You have the hard rock of "Black Dog", "Rock n' Roll" and "When the Levee Breaks", the nice acoustic melodies of "Battle of Evermore" and "Going to California", the rockn' weirdness of "Four Sticks". And last but not least, "Stairway to Heaven", which is an wonderful combination of the acoustic side and hard rock side of Led Zeppelin, not to mention one of the most best (and most famous) rock songs of all time. This is one of those albums you can listen to all the way through, like DARK SIDE OF THE MOON. I give it a 10 out of 10.

    allan allanhamet@yahoo.com
    I'm a hard rock guitarist, and've jammed with Page.Well I'll tell you this: nobody can judge Jimmy Page,his playing or how long Zeppelin tracks, saying that "oh, this track is too long or he didn't sound as powerful as previous track".Crap!!! there's no other fuckin person on this entire planet as talented as Jimmy Page, Ritchie Blackmore, Brian May and Joe Perry.None!So if a track sounds certain way, it suposed to sound like that.

    bass player edd eddie123zeppelin@hotmail.com
    I don't know what that guy's on about saying they're shit but anyway. A definite 10 second only to II and that's for one reason. The battle of evermore, it sticks in there like a sore thumb. I hate the song but can appreciate it is something different. The rest of the songs though bring it up to a 10.

    annnndy seagrove theseagroves@yahoo.com
    I get it ! you tell us how much you respect stairway to heaven, then tell us you dont like it ! this album maybe the perfect album with its rock n roll beginning, mellow middle and heavy ending... just like the song.. stairway to heaven !!!

    Fozzie danny_fozzie@hotmail.co.uk
    hello evry one. Jus like to say that i really admire led zep IV coz of its ability to shine out to a 16 adolescent surrounded by the pathetic pop acts of today...namely Girls Aloud and James Blunt but to name a few. My favourite is the haunting blues ending track 'when the levee breaks'.

    Chris chrisfret2004@yahoo.co.uk
    Totally agree with the above message - its reassuring to remember that pure talent and authenticity was once all you needed to make great music. This album is simply flawless - the best riffs, most inventive arrangements and every song a winner. and why the hell does everyone hate stairway' so much??????its a gem of a song, as is when the levee..., black dog, 'california etc. 10/10!!

    I have always totally hated Led Zeppelin they are really one of the worst bands I have ever heard! They along with Queen and Pink Floyd are the only 3 groups that I have to get up off of my chair even if I'm very tired and turn off immediately before I shoot the radio!I have been doing this since I'm a teenager. The Who,Jimi Hendrix,The Rolling Stones and especially The Beatles are all a million times better! Hell even Van Halen sounds much better and I'm not even a fan of theirs!

    Chris chrisfret2004@yahoo.co.uk
    Simply one of the best hard rock albums ever . Has any other record started with such a 1-2 like black dog/rocknroll ? Page piles on the thick syrupy riffs and the beats come at you like a steamroller. Theres also time to take in 2 beautiful folk experiments and an excursion into north african music with another riffmonster "4 sticks" . Best track is the version of memphis minnies "when the levee breaks" - that huge drum beat and mass of echoed guitars sound just like waves crashing against a dam . Ive never been crazy about "misty mountain hop" or plants singing particularly but i can handle these elements amongst this tightly focused album. Oh... and "stairway to heaven" is a classic , got no problem listening to it at all . Id give it 9/10

    Houses Of The Holy ( 1973 )
    The Song Remains The Same / The Rain Song / Over The Hills And Far Away / The Crunge / Dancing Days / D'yer Maker / No Quarter / The Ocean

    Okay, so we're past the famous first fab four albums now, aren't we? Anyway, listening and listening to 'Houses Of The Holy' has made me wonder just what Led Zeppelin actually DID in the interim between 'Led Zep IV' and this? Did they drink and party a lot? I gather they'd reached the pinnacle, or at least, felt as if they had. Nothing left to prove to themselves or anybody else, either. At least, nobody else they thought mattered. So, off we go into the land of funk, into the land of the Caribbean, or some other such place. One song features vocal harmonies, another sounds very much like a string drenched ballad. Very few two songs sound the same, in fact. There is little of the trademark Led Zep sound here at all, and not only that, but Robert Plant indulges himself a little. Does a few pieces of vocal acting, not least all the way 'The Crunge'. Ah, whilst i've mentioned it, let's talk about that 'The Crunge'. 'The Crunge'? Okay, I don't know what that means. And, please. Don't mail me telling me what it means, either. I'm not sure I particular care what it means I just get off on the fact that this is obviously a piece of Led Zeppelin humour, a slight James Brown tribute or piss-take, whichever way you prefer to look at it. Some of the lyrical and vocal sections are truly daft and they do raise a smile. Well, Led Zeppelin trying to be funny doesn't quite come off, but the music is just so damn hot and so damn funky - so very tight.... who cares? 'The Crunge' is a fine thing, quite unlike anything Led Zeppelin had done before, and that's the key idea to quite a bit of the songs contained on this album. It's Led Zeppelin trying to show everybody they could do anything, anything they wanted.

    Of the more recognizable Led Zeppelin styled songs, we've got 'The Song Remains The Same', 'Over The Hills And Far Away', 'No Quarter' and the closing 'The Ocean'. Starting with the last named, first - 'The Ocean' relies on a strong rhythm section groove over and above any guitar prowess or roaring vocals, although both of those are present too, of course. It's a riff thing, a song with a riff that carries everything else, a groove that carries everything else. It's a fine thing. 'No Quarter' is seven minutes long. I've listened to it maybe twelve times just today. I was feeling rather low, couldn't even be bothered to change the CD, had it on repeat play. Which does indeed also tell you i've listened to 'Houses Of The Holy' around twelve times today. I feel as if I live in those houses, you know? I feel as if I was one of the naked children featured crawling over stones on the album artwork. I was there, man..... How many times can I listen to this album in five hours anyway? Would it be twelve, or so? And please, I don't want your answers on a postcard, not even to any address you care to think of, either. Still, where was I? Oh, yes? 'No Quarter'! Well, it's pretty much perfect, goes off into this lovely jazzy instrumental break that also sounds pure Rock N Roll. 'No Quarter' doesn't scream and shout and run and come up to you with it's tongue out, waggling provocatively - like some of the early Zep classics. No, it's just a classic. 'The Song Remains The Same' and 'Over The Hills' both have lots of short, funky riffs and both are taken at a fast tempo. Robert Plant's vocal on the latter is one of his very finest, for my money.

    Of the remaining material, John Paul Jones contributes. Not just his usual bass, but also Mellotron, Synthesiser, Organ, Piano, etc, etc. In fact, the second song 'The Rain Song' which I described as sounding like a string drenched ballad? Well, that's just him on the Mellotron, playing lines for a string section. He knows his stuff. It's a lovely song, a genuinely affecting ballad, again, quite unlike anything Led Zep had done before. 'Dancing Days' is another funky, short guitar riff thing, I guess. It doesn't particular stand out here, but it's no worse than anything else if taken in isolation, if that makes any sense at all. 'D'yer Maker' is the one that contains the Caribbean reggae riffs. Robert Plant gets into the spirit of things, it shares a spirit of 'daftness' with 'The Crunge', but again, the together and damn near perfect playing, holds this and impresses you. Well, it should do. Why? Because I say so. The most diverse album Led Zeppelin ever made, most likely - whilst still retaining great performing and writing abilities, at any rate. It's close to being a classic album, but the humour factor of the likes of 'D'yer Maker' in particular may begin to grate after repeated listenings. And, I'm really not just saying that because I listened to the album for nearly five hours straight today, honest i'm not. And, if that makes any sense to you, good luck.

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    Al Brooks dumpbushnextyear@yahoo.com
    I bought this album as soon as it was released. I quickly got the record from the bin at the record shop, and went directly to the cashier. The customers on line in front of me were all holding the same record. I remember arriving home with the record and showing it to my family-- they snickered at the photo of the naked children. The music was very atmospheric; party tracks, rather than massive ear-catching songs such as 'Whole Lotta Love', 'Good Times Bad Times', or 'How Many More Times'. If Houses Of The Holy were released today I wouldn't buy it, but it fit in perfectly with the early 1970s mellow-jello stoner vista I was plugged into high school with. I love the opening, half-instrumental, track on this album. Beautiful guitar performance. 'The Ocean' is an ordinary rocker, but it does have that Led Zeppelin party-hardy sound that is pleasant. Or perhaps I'm just waxing nostalgic (sob, sniffle). 'Over The Hills And Far Away' is rousing, with a good ending. I would imagine teenagers today would find this album to be very attractive; all the songs are pretty, well-played, and great to party to. I give it an 8 for teen-friendliness.

    Austin Sefton lori.sefton@mac.com
    Yup, that reviews about right........ but I think that the skill put into this album is overlooked. Over the Hills and Far Away is my favorite song on this album because, me, being a guitarist, knows exactly the effort it took to make this song. Dancing days is also brilliant! D'yer maker.......... I can't say much skill was put into that one but it sounds friken` awesome!!! Thats about it, but this isn't there best album as u state. I give the review 4 stars.

    Olivia led_zep_4eva@hotmail.com
    I really like this album, it's one of my favourites. It has one of their best songs Over the Hills and Far Away, but also one of their worst- The Crunge. I can't stand this song, and not to fond of Dancing Days, but the rest is great! As with all their albums, a totally different experience.

    Chris chrisfret2004@yahoo.co.uk
    Another great album, but obviously much more diverse:the band are so confident and successful by now that they obviously felt they could try anything. Once again the production and arranging elevates even not quite amazing songs like d'yer m'aker to great heights!Dancing Days, Song Remains and No Quarter are fantastic too and Rain Song another acoustic classic!8.5/10

    Physical Graffiti ( 1975 )
    Custard Pie / The Rover / In My Time Of Dying / Houses Of The Holy / Trampled Underfoot / Kashmir / In The Light / Bron Yr Aur / Down By The Seaside / Ten Years Gone / Night Flight / The Wanton Song / Boogie With Stu / Black Country Woman / Sick Again

    Led Zeppelin had eight new songs or so - enough for a cool album, but too many minutes in running time to fit on a single vinyl album. They didn't want to lose any of the songs they had, so took another solution. The initial idea was to include live material alongside the already recorded studio tracks. In the end Jimmy Page dug into the Zeppelin archives and took out songs left off the second, third, forth and fifth Leppelin albums - and put those on 'Physical Graffiti' as well. The result of this action is the feeling that 'Physical Graffiti' does absolutely everything, shows absolutely everything - that Led Zeppelin ever were. By the way, the album title comes partly from the effort the group took in piecing this album together. Overdubs were added where necessary and all fifteen tracks then mixed by Jimmy Page. The first two sides, songs one through to six, are Zeppelin perfection for me. The best two sides they ever put out. 'Custard Pie' carried on from the sound of the more 'usual' Zeppelin songs from 'Houses Of The Holy' - but my god is the riff good. The feel of the song is so damn sexy and fucking beautiful! More cool riffs arrive all the way through 'The Rover', fantastic guitar actually - Jimmy Page on the top of his game. An eleven minute blues workout for 'In My Time Of Dying', the definitive Zeppelin blues workout for my money. Not that I have very much money, but that doesn't matter... Ah! The sound of the drums, the actual SOUND of the drums! Just so damn good. Bass drum to the fore, so very heavy. Also, giving away the fact that songs were taken from 'elsewhere', we have 'Houses Of The Holy'. It was an out-take or something? As I said, overdubs were added. This sounds better than a good half of the 'Houses Of The Holy' album, why the hell wasn't it on that album, already?? No matter.

    Diversification? To their credit, and the 'Houses Of The Holy' album amply demonstrated this, Led Zeppelin tried, they really did. Hence the magnificence of the funk influenced 'Trampled Underfoot'. These guys were on fire, absolutely. As for Robert Plant, apparently his voice was shot from all those years of touring and he had to learn a different method of projecting his vocals. Judging by the damn sexy performance he gives all through 'Trampled Underfoot', with it's wacky, funky keyboard sounds - he more than succeeded. I'm only upto track five. Track six is only fucking 'Kashmir', for fucks sake!! More 'epic' than 'Stairway To Heaven', more magnificent sounding than anything else they'd done - and the bass drum sound is diamond and gold and heavy as all HEAVY you can imagine. Imagine the heaviest thing? This is heavier, oh yes! Amidst all that, we've got keyboard/string type things, classical stuff going on. Robert Plant moaning all sexually. Not that I actually FIND him sexy - he's utterly hideous to a hot heterosexual stud like me - but you get the idea. Make love to this song! It lasts for eight and a half minutes!!

    'Bron Yr Aur' is a nice interlude, pretty folk acoustic stuff from Jimmy. There's more epic stuff with 'In The Light', more RIFFS AND HEAVINESS  with 'The Wanton Song'. A couple of bits of near filler, although the likes of 'Down By The Seaside' and 'Ten Years Gone' are both pretty damn fine in my book. They fit, adding to the epic, absolutely everything nature of this 'Physical Graffiti' album. 'Boogie With Stu' sounds just like it's title suggests, it's a plain old rock n roll boogie - but fun. You know, IT IS fun. Robert Plant sounds utterly daft, and that's fun - hugely enjoyable stuff. 'Black Country Woman' is a weird semi-acoustic thing, very eccentric and filler - but for the fact this album REQUIRES such songs. Fifteen songs lasting an hour and a half all EPIC and ALL HEAVY would be silly, wouldn't it? These pieces of 'filler' such as 'Black Country Woman' actually add to the overall whole, even though it's readily apparent such songs ( and, there's not that many of them here ) wouldn't stand well on their own. Still, the closing 'Sick Again' is as heavy and magnificent as anybody could wish it to be. Jimmy Page goes supernova. It's exhausting just listening to this album. Heaven knows where Led Zeppelin even thought they could go next....

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    I actually prefer side 2 to side 1. Both sides are ace though if different-the first is just them doing what they do best. But side 2 is more diverse. I mean In The Light is all eastern mistic. Then there's folk, and country too. I love the instrument too, just so melodic and beautiful. Their best album-no doubt.

    Henry Kerr henryker@hotmail.com
    well! i totally agree with every single statement you have made here! i disagree with 9.5.... this album! is zeppelins gretest! it has to be 10! as with beatles revolver and Queens a night at the oprea, and the whos, whos next, this is also an all time classis master peice! TEN!!!!!

    Henry Kerr henryker@hotmail.com
    Spot on here Adrian, an absolute classic and head and shoulders clear of the rest of Zeppelin's catalogue. The six tracks on disc one are simply awesome, they blew me away the first time I heard them and have done ever since. As strong as "Physical Graffiti" is though I've always wondered whether Zeppelin's legacy would have been better served by releasing the six disc one tracks as a single album set and saving the stronger disc two tracks for the follow up. With hindsight it's pretty clear to see that "Prescence" would have been greatly enhanced by the inclusion of "In the Light", "Ten Years Gone", "The Wanton Song" & "Sick Again". I'm being fussy here though, with tracks like these it really doesn't matter how or when they're realeased, the real shame is that they never managed to produce anything of this quality again.

    Alex Acelocke@aol.com
    Physical Graffiti has some amazing stuff on it (IMTOD, Kashmir, In the Light, Ten Years Gone), but it also has some of the worst stuff Zeppelin released (Trampled Underfoot, Down by the Seaside, The Wanton Song, Boogie with Stu). to give 9 1/2 to this record is not fair to LZ I and II.

    matthew byrd matthewbyrd@hotmail.com
    Ok, I've reviewed this one TWICE before and I guess those weren't very good... or too long. Well, this one really shows Pages musical genius... I hate calling people that but if Page had an I.Q. of 180 I wouldn't be suprised. The first disc is absolutely great... along with the 2nd half of Abbey Road.. one of the greatest moments in rock 'n' roll. Kashmir is something that came out of a masters head.... disc two is interesting/grand listening. A 9.5 from me.

    The Fly thehouse1813@yahoo.com
    Possibly the best double album of all time (apologies to my Clash and Dylan brothers and sisters). What a giant tour de force of everything Zeppelin and heavy rock in general. It's hard to say it, but I still think I perfer Zep IV a tad more because of 'When the Levee Breaks.'

    Killing Time retro_tull@yahoo.com
    This double albums features a tired Led Zepp. There are a few fantastic songs but generally it seems to reflect a band that is starting to lose it's fuel and it's falling in the "accepted parameters" rather tan being inventive and groundbreaking. So I'll give this a somewhere-in-the-middle rating.

    GAZZA Edinburgh
    Taking the tracks cut in 1974 its not even clear that zep had a strong single album , certainly not one to rival "4" in my opinion .A lot of disc 2 should have been left in the can . Fortunately all the good stuff is loaded on disc one in particular the epic "kasmir" the funked up "trampled underfoot" and the blues epic "in my time of dying" where the band show mindboggling dynamics . The second disc i treat as a bonus disc and rarely listen to . "into the light" turns into prog hell after its indian drone introduction , "down by the seaside" shows the band couldnt do country nor try and "nite flight" is an aneamic faces impersonation . Meanwhile "10 years gone" has its moments but is a bit pompous for my taste. The best cuts on disc 2 are "boogie with stu" a simple jam session with the rolling stones pianist which at least injects a bit of joy into proceedings and "bron y aur" a pretty bert jansch like acoustic interlude of the kind page did so well. The fact that both these are very much outtakes speaks volumes and physcial graffiti isnt the same class of double gold as "exile on main st" "london calling" and "blonde on blonde" .

    Will Petersfield
    The best Zeppelin album, shading their incendary debut and the famous Brown Bomber (II), shows the band in their pomp. A sprawling, mature set, Plants lived in vocals, Pages mercurial brilliance, Bonzo's power and JP Jones who's killer keyboard riff on funk monster stomp Trampled Under Foot is a highlight. Side one, ending with the eastern epic Kashmir is faultless, totally thrilling. Side two is Zep showing off their unrivalled power and diversity. 10/10

    Presence ( 1976 )
    Achilles Last Stand / For Your Life / Royal Orleans / Nobodys Fault But Mine / Candy Store Rock / Hots On For Nowhere / Tea For One

    Having a vocalist who had just suffered a car accident and was in the studio with his leg in plaster can't have helped matters. Spending a year out of the UK for tax reasons can't really have helped matters either - away from family and friends, getting on each other nerves? As it is, 'Presence' was recorded in a mere matter of weeks and sailed to number one on both sides of the atlantic based on the groups massive popularity alone. Presenting music fans with a mere seven songs after the double-album 'Physical Graffiti' seems a little measly, though. There's no two ways about it, 'Presence' isn't an album with any great structural cohesion behind it. Still, we do have at least one bona-fide all time Zeppelin classic here, the storming electrifying ten and a half minute long 'Achilles Last Stand'. Strong rhythm section work and a wired, anxious sounding Jimmy Page. In fact, the work Jimmy Page does on 'Achilles Last Stand' combined with the usual immense Zep rhythm section - gives off the feeling that Led Zeppelin, under better circumstances, could have used this song as a starting point to create an entire album around of similar quality. As it is, 'Achilles Last Stand' almost is the entire album. Elsewhere, we have a riff in search of a song with 'For Your Life', the admittedly entertaining likes of 'Royal Orleans' and 'Candy Store Rock'. These are decent supporting songs, but the suspicion remains, there simply isn't any great point or purpose to this 'Presence' album.

    On the plus side, Jimmy Page is consistently impressive, the rhythm section are solid as you would expect. 'Hots On For Nowhere' sounds like a band sleep-walking. 'Tea For One' doesn't seem tight and running to nine minutes is rather over-long for the amount of musical and lyrical ideas it contains. One of the better pieces arrives with 'Nobody's Fault But Mine' - a song rising to a heavy section of loud drums and squealing guitar. Considering 'Presence' with the mighty 'Achilles Last Stand' combined with the likes of 'Nobodys Fault But Mine' or 'Candy Store Rock', it still remains a minor Zeppelin work, simply because there is so little else here that's particularly impressive or memorable.

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    Simon B slb23@shaw.ca
    My first Led Zep record. Not the greatest to start with,I must admit, but still not a bad record. "Achillies Last Stand" is AWESOME. "For Your Life" and and "Tea for One" aren't bad either. (Although "Tea for One" is an inferior blues song to "Since I've Been Lovin' You".) 6/10 simon b.

    bass player edd eddie123zeppelin@hotmail.com
    Your being very harsh. Not as good as the first 4 and grafiti but the 6th best album. I think it's sounds great and unique. 9/10

    Spartacus spartacus6775@yahoo.com
    i thought this was like the undiscovered "jewel" of the zeppelin catalog. "achilles last stand" in my opinion is zeppelin's best song. "for your life" is such a good song that just builds. towards the middle, the song just seems to get harder and plant is just singin with such passion. i would give this album an 8/9

    Will Petersfield
    The boys were really proud of Presence when it came out, Bonzo boasted it was the best ****** thing they'd done. He was drunk but not far wrong. His percussive power drives forward the multi guitar attack of Achilles Last Stand and the demon blues Nobody's Fault. Don't overlook the companion piece to Since I've Been Loving You, the slow burning Tea For One either. Elsewhere chunky riffs (For Your Life) and hummable melodies (Hots) keep the bar high. 8/10

    In Through The Out Door 6 ( 1979 )
    In The Evening / South Bound Saurez / Fool In The Rain / Hot Dog / Carouselambra / All My Love / I'm Gonna Crawl

    Their first album proper for three years. Listening to the songs and recordings contained here, you could be forgiven for believing that Jimmy Page had left the band altogether. When there is guitar featured here - it's pretty standard stuff and encased within tracks more dominated by the rhythm section and the keyboards and piano of bass player John Paul Jones. A change had occured. John Paul Jones gets writing credits on all but one of the songs here. It really does sound like Jimmy Page has LEFT the band! Neither of the opening two songs heavily feature any sort of impressive or distinctive guitar work. 'South Bound Saurez' places 'Houses Of The Holy' in this listeners mind, a good song. Piano, shuffling drums - Robert Plant sounding pretty well and alive! 'In The Evening' introduces the synths, a change for Led Zeppelin. We have synths, Plant, the very noticeable drums of John Bonham. Not much else, where was Jimmy, hiding under the table? 'Fool In The Rain' reached number twenty one in the billboard single charts. It's one of the least Zeppelin sounding Led Zeppelin songs I can think of. It's a pop song, albeit a six minute long pop song. We get a little calypso sequence. Led Zeppelin looking to change their sound is admirable, times had changed after all. You'd think they'd go more for the punk route than the disco/light pop scene that dominated the charts in the very late seventies though. Well, wouldn't you? Perhaps just a case of what they could and couldn't do at the time.

    Oooh, guitar! 'Hot Dog' features guitar. Unfortunately, 'Hot Dog' is a barn-pleasing country tinged rock n roll novelty item featuring nonsensical lyrics... hardly one of the groups finest moments. Robert Plant does a little Elvis - the music goes all country... rockabilly. The synths come back, John Bonham dies shortly after the release of this album. We'll never know where Led Zeppelin would have gone next. 'In Through The Out Door' with its synths and very un-zeppelin sounding songs and feels and melodies... hints at a future as an eighties pop band more than anything else. John Paul Jones tests his arranging skills on the closing 'I'm Gonna Crawl', synths playing ideas for a string section. You know the best things about this album? Robert Plant, who proves himself very adaptable and adept here... and the drum sound of John Bonham. Those drums are noticeable throughout - no matter what else is going on. Oh, Jimmy Page finally wakes up for 'I'm Gonna Crawl', probably the best song here.

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    Middle aged wanabee hippy weegie@pookielife.fsnet.co.uk
    For me Zepp's worst record, apart from the magnificent opener "In The Evening", the rest of the album goes very quickly downhill. Not the epitath that this great band deserved (Coda doesn't count, but we all bought it anyway, hey?)I actually got Coda before this and thought if "Ozone Baby" wasn't good enough to put on "Out Door" then it must have been some album. How wrong I was. So 4.5/10 for this but 10/10 for "In The Evening".

    justin bravefan46@yahoo.com
    I agree that this is one of Zeppelin's worst albums, if not the worst, but you really don't specify what the best aspects of it are. In the evening has great lyrics (too bad you can't hear them because due to Plant's shot voice), a good, disco-ish riff, and a ridiculously hot guitar solo. All My Love has nice lyrics, but the absence of Page is very noticeable, I must agree. Carouselambra is in my opinion Zep's worst song, with indecipherable singing and insulting instrumental work. I think that 6 is a good rating.

    bass player edd eddie123zeppelin@hotmail.com
    I agree a poor album, the only bad zepplin album in my opinion. Only the great "in the evening" makes it woth having. I think Coda is a really good album and the only bad song is "poor tom". "We're gonna groove" rocks

    I dont no why everyone thinks this album is bad. i think its very well written and good tunes. I don't know why but I really like I'm going to crawl. its very catchy:)

    Coda 7 ( 1982 )
    We're Gonna Groove / Poor Tom / I Can't Quit You Baby / Walter's Walk / Ozone Baby / Darlene / Bonzo's Montreux / Wearing And Tearing /

    Following John Bonham exiting the world, Jimmy Page compiled this collection of random out-takes and released it into the marketplace disguised as a regular Led Zeppelin album, although of course, it isn't any such thing. Still, the opening brace of songs are both pretty darn GOOD in my book. Time has passed. 'Coda' may have been seen as bad taste, or merely milking the mighty Led Zep cash-cow back in 1982, but enough years have passed now to surely judge this just as a bunch of songs? Let's pretend for a second that this WAS the actual, 'real' follow-up to 'presence' and 'in through the out-door'. Wouldn't the storming, rolling and undulating groove of the opening 'We're Gonna Groove' have blasted your socks off?? Well, let's stop speaking past tense, because it DOES blow my socks off, right now. Mr Bonham gets a distinctive drum pattern going to open up 'Poor Tom' and we're reminded of how great Led Zeppelin sounded as a four-piece, as a bunch of fellows playing together. Folky guitar comes in over the drums, Robert Plant moans and mumbles and wonders cosmically. Well, perhaps he does.... and then follows 'I Can't Quite You Baby'. Super loud drums, dirty bass - Robert Plant moaning and doing his blues thing as if it was 1969 again. It was actually 1970, by the way. All three of the opening cuts here date from 1970, live recordings in a mobile studio as preparation for a particular concert date they were due to play at the royal albert hall. 'Walters Walk' dates from 1972 and shares the storming riff nature of the shorter songs from the 'Led Zeppelin IV' era. The vocals are mixed way back in the background and echoed and sort of disconnected from the rest of the song. The guitar riff is great, and although this song doesn't really gel - it's entertaining as hell.

    Three of the closing four songs date from 1978, which would make them 'In Through The Out Door' out-takes?? Well, 'Walters Walk' has a great sound, good rhythm section interplay. It beats the hell out of practically anything on 'In Through The Out Door', if you must know. For 'Ozone Baby' we get an out-take that probably should have remained an out-take, although the sheer physical presence of the Led Zep rhythm section still gives this something for the listener to get into. Speaking of 'Presence', from the 'Presence' sessions we have a four minute long John Bonham drum solo masquerading as a song. It seems a little unimaginative, but no doubt was included as a tip of the hat to their great departed drummer. The closing song is all riffs in search of a whole that's never found. Ultimately, 'Coda' doesn't hang together well. Well, of course it doesn't. But that's ignoring the fact there is some good material here.

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    Geoff djaef@hotmail.com
    Giving Coda a higher score than In Through The Out Door is a travesty of justice if ever there was one. I'll concede that ITTOD is not Zep's best album, but Coda is definately their worst. It's not really an album as such, just a bunch of discards put together. There are a few good songs, but it's not a patch on ITTOD, which is a new direction for Led Zeppelin. I would have been happy to hear where the Zeps went next. Jimmy was so smacked out he didn't care at the time obviously, and he would have regained more control, but what's wrong with All My Love or Carouselambra or Hot Dog for that matter. I'd give ITTOD an 8.

    this page last updated 19/09/10

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