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Sam Winch

  • The Lullabadeer,

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    Sam Winch

    The Lullabadeer 8
    The Lullabadeer / OneTwoThree / Banter For The Common Man / Julio / Christopher / Graduation Day / I Got Some Moves / So You Tell Me / Always The Weekend / Tawny Tail / Skinny's Theme / Pachabel's Pistol / Tromboner

    Sam Winch is 35 years old, this is his debut album and apparently he was born in a bowling alley. That's about the only information I have for him, and perhaps, none of it is true! Perhaps it's all true, I don't really care, because trawling through various records by artists who have very kindly sent me their CDs, I came across Sam Winch and immediately it struck me as being striking and different. I liked the acoustic guitar and I loved his voice. The title track perhaps showcases it best. A country influenced track, his voice coming across as Dylan/Springsteen/Humourous. This is kind of funny music, in a laugh out loud way. Sam Winch sounds like Lou Reed, with a sense of humour, transported to Nashville. It's quite something! It's weird circus music, it's weird, funny inventive lyrics and it's different. That last word is something I look for endlessly amongst the procession of artists and bands all sounding the same as each other. Ah, 'Graduation Day' has this quiet delicate piano going through it, a trumpet popping up quite delectably at one point and a vocal of nuanced calm and story-telling. I love it, absolutely adore it, and is Sam Winch in the Billboard Top 200? No, but he should be! In a parallel universe, with people who have good taste in music ruling what's in the charts, 'Graduation Day' would be a big hit all through the year.

    Oh my god, the noisy circus rock n roll country of 'OneTwoThree' sounds like Lou Reed with a poker up his arse and a dead Gram Parsons sharing eight whiskeys with him whilst they both proceed to have a hell of a fun time. That's a strange description of anything. I realise that, so the best thing might be to track this CD down. I'm not a PR person or advertising anything, just this stuff is genuinely funny, happy grin inducing stuff! Then, other songs have depth and appear to be emotionally affecting in another kind of way. Good stuff all round. Hooray! Oh, I dig the outrageous backing vocals that are present throughout a number of songs, really off the wall yet still coming in some fine fashion. This album is fun, it's such good fun. I like it lots.

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    Readers Comments

    David dmbloome@hotmail.com
    I agree with you. This is one of the most original CDs I've heard in years! I love it.

    top of page this page last updated 17/05/07

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