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    Boombastic 7 ( 1995 )
    In The Summertime / Boombastic / Something Different / Forgive Them Father / Heartbreak Suzie / Finger Smith / Why You Treat Me So Bad / Woman A Pressure Me / The Train Is Coming / Island Lover / Day Oh / How Much More / Gal Yu A Pepper

    Shaggy? Well, no, its not Shaggy from Scooby Doo. This is Shaggy! The man is a certifiable star and his appeal is far more wide-ranging that some rappers acheive. He has a characteristic way of launching into a fast paced rap wherby you know its Shaggy you are listening to and NOBODY else out there. He is distinctive therefore, and that's always a good quality to have. We open with a version of the old Mungo Jerry tune 'In The Summertime'. A playful version but then the original song was nothing serious in the first place. Shaggy launches into one of his distinctive and grin inducing raps and really, you can't help but smile :) This music is uplifting. His words are playful, well rhymed and sequenced. Can't argue with it really. 'Boombastic' was the song that launched him to fame, though I don't much care for it personally. Again, its fun I suppose but it gets irritating very quickly for me. Third song here though is full of soul! Great vocals and Shaggy puts in more great rap sequences.

    The next highlight on the album arrives with 'Finger Smith' following a number of ok but not amazing songs. 'Finger Smith' is Shaggy in full flight. A torrent of words, and if you listen carefully to make out the words you soon realise he puts together these rap sequences well in terms of wordplay and also that Shaggy is different from some rap artists in that he's not protesting, there's no overt politics or phrases of violence in his words. This is music for the people and I don't mean to dismiss it in saying that. You know, The Beatles were brilliant and they were music for the people. Now, theres a comparison for you! The Beatles and Shaggy!

    The playful and wonderful words continue. 'Island Lover' includes a reggae feel and 'How Much More' is so joyous and uplifting! Whilst many of the songs surrounding these highlights are just OK, nothing is actually bad. This is a good album. Really. It may not be in keeping with my usual listening habits perhaps but we all need a bit of diversification in life. And, you know? I like Shaggy! A lot of people like Shaggy and with good reason.

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    this page last updated 14/10/08

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